Political Yard Signs – Stop the Madness! With election season upon us, I am sure that many of us have witnessed the proliferation of political messaging, including yard signs in front of homes. Some folks get a little carried away, like this homeowner during the 2016 election: You may ask: is it legal to place a hundred “Trump” signs in your front....
Hold the Vinegar on My Tacos: Why Breaking Up an LLC is Hard to Do Colorado, like most states, makes it fairly straightforward for married people to get a divorce. Under Colorado’s “Dissolution of Marriage” statutes, one must do little more than represent that the marriage is “irretrievably broken.”
Basics of Colorado Homeowner's Association (HOA) Law Every year, more and more Coloradoans live in homes that are part of a homeowners association (“HOA”), also known as a common interest community or community association. New homes are especially likely to be part of an HOA
Colorado Easement Law Herms & Cullers receives many calls regarding easement rights, mostly in Larimer and Weld Counties, Colorado. So what is an easement? An easement is a real property right authorizing the easement owner to do something or maintain something on the land of another. They are usually created by a granting instrument such as a deed.
Residential Real Estate Disclosers Suppose your great aunt passed away recently and you are the unlucky family member who gets to deal with her estate. She’s lived in the same house for forty years, and everyone in the family agrees that the house should be sold ASAP.